Adagio for Francesca
too soon in the passing…
On my morning Facebook cruise, recently, I read a post about the “Bridges of Madison County” and how the writer thought it was one of the best romantic movies made.
I also like that movie, probably because I am also a photographer. It had everything: scenery, tension, romance, lust, and the acting was pretty good as well. In fact, I liked it so much that I wrote the following poem, shortly after viewing the film.
Adagio for Francesca
and a tear fell…
to the expanse of a naked breast
from a quivering chin
streaming unheeded and around
a breast,
bare and full of the lust and love
that was theirs
in that summer of her yesterday
between the Camels and Buds
and the sacred Formica
that welcomed virgin brandy
while Nature lay in witness
of a time too soon in the passing
but etched in the memory
and a tear fell…