Liaison of Love (poem)
hidden from your mind’s eye…
Liaison of Love
When I turned and saw you there
I was brazenly captivated
not by the beauty others might see
but it was more of an inner resonance
that was accentuated by your subtlety.
As you strolled through the shop
leisurely and with understated grace
my eyes could do nothing but follow
as delicate fingers traced random patterns
through the dust of the cluttered shelves.
Poetry was the destination of your intricate movements
in the way you caressed the sheltered tomes
while gliding from aisle to innocent aisle
as the enclosed phrases leapt into your heart
and calmed a seemingly aching soul.
Seeking the comfort of the protective corridors
you turned your head in anticipation
of being caught with your hand in the jar
and your mind on its imprisoned content
when the goal of your journey was realized.