Telltale Heart (poem)

Tim Anderson
1 min readFeb 26, 2023

words sounded so empty…

poetry, life, inspiration, intimate, love
Photo by Jon Eric Marababol on Unsplash

Telltale Heart

He wrote that poem
to you
he couldn’t speak
the words
that needed
to be said.

The words
that meant
how deeply
he felt for you
and how much
he enjoyed
your company.

On many occasions
he tried to speak them
but words sounded
so empty
so feeble
so useless
that he gave up.

And then
he found
a form that worked
that conveyed
what he had longed
to say
and write.

He wrote the words
that came from
the very depths
of his soul
of his heart
and wondered
if he should send them.



Tim Anderson

Tim Anderson is a writer/artist/photographer. Writer | Photographer | Poet | Follow link to read his posts...