The Precipice

Tim Anderson
2 min readJun 24, 2022

(She’s back!)

I am sitting on The Bench after a few days of rainfall and (of course!) She is there, once again. I am looking at leaves and the voice comes alive…

The Precipice

Where do we turn
when we arrive
at the precipice
of self-knowledge
and foresight
knowing that
even though
we can see a clear path
though the faraway forest
and past the mountains
the seeming distance
isn’t in the miles
we have traveled
or the challenges
we have faced.

We no longer
have to put one foot
in front of the other
or don our hiking gear
to ascend yet
another jagged and
to only discover
that the journey
of our life
is no longer out there.



Tim Anderson

Tim Anderson is a writer/artist/photographer. Writer | Photographer | Poet | Follow link to read his posts...